Ray Skyhorse
JoinedTopics Started by Ray Skyhorse
Help - she's turning him into a 4yr old Borg!
by Ray Skyhorse inmy ex and i share joint custody of our 4 year old boy.
we share physical custody of him every other day.
lately, he has been regurgitating jw doctrine to me about about death, paradise and jehovah.
9/11(Film) - Freedom burning alright
by catchthis inso have you seen the film yet?
what was your impression of it?
here was mine: .
Freedom of speech, cousin Jeb and the Bin Ladens
by Simon inwell, despite not having the much touted "freedom of speech" that america enjoys, we will get to see micheal moore's new film "farenheit 911" whereas america, for now, won't.. the film links president bush with powerful saudi families including the bin ladens.. seems disney (based on florida) have blocked the distribution because they are afraid of losing tax breaks by way of retaliation ... handy having cousing jeb as governor isn't it?.
still think you have freedom of speech?.
Peak Oil
by DanTheMan in.
i don't know why i read stuff like this, but i just can't seem to stay away from it.. sometimes i really really really wish i could figure out a way to end my life without hurting my family.
i do not want to witness what the next 20 years is going to bring.. http://www.totse.com/en/politics/economic_documents/lifeaftertheoi172879.html
by 2escaped lifers ini have been thinking about this for a while, and a couple recent events here on the board have solidified my thinking.
first, seattleniceguy's triumph with the un posting a letter regarding the wts affiliation with the un.
it just shows that with a little combined effort we can accomplish alot.
Looking for a good family law attorney
by Ray Skyhorse incan anyone recommend a good family law attorney practising in northern california (humboldt county)?
i need to get a divorce and it will probably get messy since child custody will be an issue.. thanks,.
Would some of us be better off as Witnesses?
by Jerry Bergman ini have often wondered if many people would be better off if they stayed witnesses.
some people i have known have really gone off the deep end after they left the watchtower.
most all of my family have left now (not due to me as i was cut off from them for years) and many others i know who have left are now bitter atheists or have become pagans and worship stones or new ageers playing with crystals.
can the marriage work
by DIAMOND inis it even remotly possible that a marriage can work if the wife is a jw and the husband who has been one for over 30 years is on his way out.
is there any advice on how this can work or is it just doomed for divorce!!!!
i love my wife and kids but she's not handeling this very well at all.
Statistical Analysis re Leaving Cults
by Ray Skyhorse indoes anyone know where i can locate any studies that provide a statistical analysis of the demographics of persons that have exited cults?
basically, i'm interested in seeing demographic breakdowns that answer the following questions:.
are women more likely to leave cults or are men?
Wollersheim v. Scientology: Implications for WTS?
by expatbrit inwollersheim v. the church of scientology was a 22 year court case, finally settled in may of 2002 with the payment of $8.6 million by the church of scientology.
it raises interesting issues of freedom of religion, and how responsible cults must be for the results of their actions.
case history summary.. in 1980, lawrence wollersheim filed suit against the church of scientology of california (csc), claiming damages for intentional and negligent infliction of severe emotional distress.